The H.P.L. (High Pressure Laminate) is a Laminated high thickness (10 mm) formed internally by layers of cellulose fibers impregnated with phenolic resins while the external layers are impregnated with thermosetting resins. Everything undergoes polycondensation resin with strong pressure (9 Mpa) coupled to the heat of 150 ° during pressing. The surface is rough. This material, thanks to its many virtues, can be applicated where it is necessary to reach a high level of hygiene. Public and private environments, hospitals, restaurants, bar, kitchens, bathrooms, health clubs, changing rooms, swimming pools, hotels, schools, laboratiries demand products on stratified, satisfying the request of the modern interior designer. The material have the following features: non-porous material which does not create mold and / or bacteria; resistant to scratches and bumps; resistant to abrasion and wear; high resistance to chemical and organic agents; high impermeability; dust-proof; easy to clean; non-toxic and suitable for contact with food; no flame spread; heat resistant (up to 170 °); dimensional stability and quality of self-supporting also with the thickness 10 mm. The thickness of the top is 1 - 12.5 cm.

The surface must be cleaned regularly but does not require any special maintenance; a soft damp cloth with hot water, neutral detergents or alcohol is sufficient. It is recommended to always clean the top when stains are fresh and to dry any drops of water immediately.

The use of appliances with steam jets.
The use of steel wool.
Products with strong acid or very alkaline content because they could stain the surface.
Do not stand on the top and avoid overloading it.
Be careful of impacts caused by heavy objects dropped directly on the top, which could scratch the surface and especially the edges.

3G Africa

3G Africa 20170718

3H Malta

3H Malta 20170718

3I Pietra nera

3I Pietra nera 20170718

3J Calce

3J Calce 20170718

3K Metal

3K Metal 20190402

3N Artide

3N Artide 20190402

3O Madera

3O Madera 20190402

3P Yard

3P Yard 20190402

3Q Statuario

3Q Statuario 20190402

3S Kaiser

3S Kaiser 20190402

3M Caffè

3M Caffè 20190402

3U Friuli

3U Friuli 20210316

3T Kenya

3T Kenya 20210316

3V Aniene

3V Aniene 20210316